
  • Ann Vanstraelen (professor of accounting and assurance services) was named today as a new member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). 

  • We are proud to announce that SBE further improved its ranking in the recently published 2023 CEO Magazine’s Global MBA Rankings.

  • Astrid Boeijen will be the CEO of Brightlands Chemelot Campus in Geleen. Currently the CEO of the Brightlands Smart Services Campus in Heerlen, she will be transferring to the Brightlands Chemelot Campus on July 1. Astrid succeeds Bert Kip who held this position for eleven years.

  • Elia Formisano, professor of Neural Signal Analysis at the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience recently published a paper in Nature Neuroscience in collaboration with Bruno Giordano at Université Aix-Marseille, France and Michele Esposito, Giancarlo Valente. The title of the paper is Intermediate...

  • Do vegetables taste better if you get to choose? With her research, Rosalie Mourmans, PhD student at the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, tries to answer this question. This research earned her a place among the ten finalists of the Klokhuis Science Prize: a prize for interesting scientific...

  • UM professor concerned about idea that you can be healthy at any weight

  • Milene Bonte, professor of Cognitive Neuroscience of Language and Literacy Development at UM’s Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, has received an NWO Vici grant of 1.5 million euros. The amount is earmarked for research into the timely identification of children in need of extra support to...

  • Dr. Brenda Erens recently obtained her PhD at the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience. We talked about her work and upcoming challenges.

  • Body language is perhaps our most important means of communication. But our knowledge about the effects of postures is low.

  • Internationalisation of education, and specifically the intake of international students, is a hot topic in Dutch politics. This will also be the case in early 2023. As the most international university in the country, UM follows developments closely and, in the interest of the university and the...