Martine Prins

Professional career history
Martine Prins is a project manager with over 15 years’ experience in development cooperation.

She has a Master degree in African Studies and lived and worked for several years in Namibia and Cameroon.

Furthermore she has managed a variety of projects in Ukraine, Russia, South Africa, Benin, Indonesia and Malaysia.

Martine currently works part-time for Maastricht University Centre for International Cooperation in Academic Development (MUNDO) as a manager of a project that focuses on capacity strengthening of the Medical Faculty of the University of Parakou in Benin, to improve the treatment of obstetric fistula.

She also works part-time for the Faculty of International Business and Communication and the School of Midwifery Education and Studies Maastricht, both part of Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, where she is engaged in different internationalization programmes and projects.

Martine Prins