R.S. Ausmeier

Uitgebreid profiel is alleen beschikbaar in Engels.

Robyn Ausmeier is a Teaching Fellow in the Department of Literature and Art at FASoS. She has a BA in Film and Media Production from the University of Cape Town (2015), majoring in Media Studies, English Literature and Print Journalism. She completed her MA in Gender Studies at Utrecht University and the University of Oviedo (2019).


Robyn's academic interests relate to pedagogical practices, collective and co-creational education, gender and sexuality studies, and decolonial theory. She teaches at FASoS and UCM on topics such as digital society, gender and diversity, arts and literature as well as research and writing. She has experience with copyediting and proofreading, and is a thesis supervisor for the bachelor's programme in Arts and Culture.


Robyn is currently conducting research on the use of AI as an educational tool, as part of an EDLAB Educational Research Fellowship at UM. Her project focuses on the experiences of staff and students who are incorporating AI into their teaching and learning. This is a collaborative project welcoming input from different parties interested in the use of AI in higher education.