Dominik Mahr (F.D.)
Uitgebreid profiel is alleen beschikbaar in Engels.My research interests center on firm innovation processes and outcomes when collaborating with one or multiple external partners. In line with the Service-Dominant logic, I view customers as such a partner, who acts as a knowledge resource for firms and is empowered to co-create value with firms. Firms need to develop a special set of co-creation capabilities to stimulate, select and integrate external knowledge. While the co-creation process may occur through multiple communication channels, my research emphasizes technology-driven media such as user communities, expert networks, and mobile channels.
In this context, my different research studies probe opportunities and limitations of customer co-creation. The studies typically involve purposefully collected data which combine secondary (from digital platforms), survey, experimental and/or interview data. The aim is to shed light on emerging phenomena, extend and develop theories as well as to empirically validate them.
The target journals and research conferences deal with strategic marketing, marketing research, management, innovation management, organizational behavior and service research.
Academic journals:
- Van Oerle, S., Mahr, D. and Lievens, A., 2016. Coordinating online health communities for cognitive and affective value creation. Journal of Service Management, 27(4), pp.481-506.
- Kazadi, Kande, Annouk Lievens, and Dominik Mahr, "Stakeholder co-creation during the innovation process: Identifying capabilities for knowledge creation among multiple stakeholders" Journal of Business Research 69 (2), 525-540.
- Mahr, Dominik, Aric Rindfleisch and Rebecca J. Slotegraaf, "Enhancing Crowdsourcing Success: The Role of Creative and Deliberate Styles", Customer Needs and Solutions, 2 (3), 209-221
- Aguirre, Elizabeth, Dominik Mahr, Dhruv Grewal, Ko De Ruyter, Martin Wetzels, (2015) "Unraveling the Personalization Paradox: The Effect of Information Collection and Trust Building Strategies on Online Advertisement Effectiveness", Journal of Retailing 91(1), 34-49 (Impact factor 2.452)
- Ludwig, Stephan, Ko De Ruyter, Dominik Mahr, Martin Wetzels, Lisa Brueggen, and Tom De Ruyck, (2014) "Take Their Word for It: The Symbolic Role of Linguistic Style Matches in User Communities", MIS Quarterly 38(4), 1201-1217 (Impact factor 4.659)
- Moeller, Sabine, Robert Ciuchita, Dominik Mahr, Gaby Odekerken-Schröder, and Martin Fassnacht, (2013) “Uncovering Collaborative Value Creation Patterns and Establishing Corresponding Customer Roles”, Journal of Service Research 16(4), 471-487 (Impact factor: 2.732)
- Mahr, Dominik, Annouk Lievens and Vera Blazevic, (2014) "The Value of Customer Co-Created Knowledge during Innovation”, Journal of Product Innovation Management 31(3), 599-615 (Impact factor: 2.109)
- Dominik Mahr, Nikos Kalogeras, Gaby Odekerken-Schröder, (2013) "A Service Science Approach for Improving Healthy Food Experiences", Journal of Service Management, 24 (4), 435 - 471 (Impact factor: 1.864)
- Philips, Hilde, Dominik Mahr, Roy Remmen, et al. (2012), “Predicting the Place of Out-of-hours Care – A Market Simulation Based on Discrete Choice Analysis", Health Policy, 106(3), 284–290, (Impact factor: 1.506)
- Mahr, Dominik and Annouk Lievens (2012), “Virtual Lead User Communities – Drivers of Value Creation for Innovations”, Research Policy, 41 (1), 167-177, (Impact factor: 2.508)
- Philips, Hilde, Dominik Mahr, Roy Remmen, et al. (2010), “Experience: the Most Critical Factor in Choosing After-hours Medical Care." Quality and Safety in Health Care, 19 (6), 1-6 (Impact factor: 2.803)
Book chapters:
- Nikos Kalogeras, Arvid O. I. Hoffman and Dominik Mahr (2015), “Financial and non-financial attributes of pension fund structures: a customer perspective from the Netherlands”, in Routledge Companion to Financial Services Marketing edited by Tina Harrison and Hooman Estelami
- Martina Čaić, Dominik Mahr, Elizabeth Aguirre, Ko de Ruyter, and Martin Wetzels (2015), “Too Close for Comfort”: The Negative Effects of Location-Based Advertising”, in: I. Busljeta Banks, P. De Pelsmacker & S. Okazaki (Ed.), EAA Advances in Advertising (Vol. V: Extending the Boundaries of Advertising). Berlin, Springer Gabler.
- Kazadi Kande, Lievens Annouk, Mahr Dominik, ““Who was involved?” (2015): The Effect of Stakeholder Co-Creation on Consumers’ New Product Valuations”, in: I. Busljeta Banks, P. De Pelsmacker & S. Okazaki (Ed.), EAA Advances in Advertising (Vol. V: Extending the Boundaries of Advertising). Berlin, Springer Gabler.
- Digital Marketing: Its evolution from a nice-to-have to a must-have BIZLife (2015)
- Big Data = Big Service Research? How Big Data Transforms Service Management and Stimulates Opportunities for Service Research, SERVSIG (2015)
- PREMIUM programme bridges academia and the business world Talkin'Business (2015)
- Everybody Wins - PREMIUM Honours programme at SBE Sirius Excellence (2015)
- Further Should I Talk About My Co-creation Partners? (2014)
- Companies and customers, new partners in collaborative value creation Talkin'Business (2013)
- 6 tips voor het verbeteren van je Facebook-advertising (2013)
- Stakeholder Co-Creation: The firm as an orchestrator in innovation projects (2013)