
Ongoing and recent projects


Research on the effects of the use of dangerous substances at the Dutch Ministry of Defense, tROM and Dutch Railways

Metro, logo rivm

METRO has been involved in several projects concerning the health effects of the use of dangerous substances (Chroom-6 en CARC) at, respectively, the Dutch Ministry of Defense (finished in 2018), tROM (results presented on 31 January 2019) and Dutch Railways (2022). All of these projects were carried out for the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, RIVM. METRO carried out the legal parts of the analysis, which concerns aspects of liability, procedural law and health law. Researchers involved include Michael Faure, Nicola Gundt, Rankie ten Hoopen, Lotte Meurkens, Saskia Klosse and Niels Philipsen (project manager). More information on this research project can be found here (in Dutch only).

Ontwikkeling onderwijs Programma Afrikaans Milieurecht Togo-Bénin (Development of an education programme African Environmental Law Togo-Bénin)

Africa, Togo, Bénin

Abstract: In juni 1997 werd een samenwerkingsovereenkomst gesloten tussen de universiteiten van Maastricht, Luik, Cotonou (Bénin) en Lomé (Togo) tot het ontwikkelen van een postdoctorale opleiding in het milieurecht en het milieubeleid. Primaire doelstelling van het project is het ontwikkelen van kennis van het milieurecht en het milieubeleid en de toepassing daarvan in de context van de milieuproblematiek in Franstalig Afrika. Teneinde deze doelstelling te verwezenlijken dient enerzijds jaarlijks een éénjarige Master Course te worden georganiseerd op het terrein van het milieubeleid en milieurecht in Franstalig Afrika. Anderzijds dient een (regionaal) kenniscentrum voor  milieurecht te worden opgezet, teneinde studenten en wetenschappers de mogelijkheid te geven hun kennis op het gebied van het milieurecht verder te ontwikkelen.
Subsidizer: MUNDO/Icco/Diversen
Subsidy: fl 97,433 /fl. 291,225 + € 23,000/Diversen
Project manager: Prof. Dr. M. Faure LL.M.
Researchers: Prof. Dr. M. Faure LL.M., Mr. D. Grimeaud, Prof. A. Ogus, Prof. Dr. G. Mols, Prof. Dr. K. Schwarz and Prof. Dr. F. Stroink
Programme: Grensoverschrijdend milieurecht 
Duration: 1 December 1997 - ongoing
Cooperation: Université Nationale de Lomé (Togo), Université Nationale du Bénin, Université de Liège (België) and Universiteit Gent (Belgium)

Research for DG Environment

METRO has recently performed the European Commission project 'Support in the implementation of the action plan on environmental compliance assurance and governance', together with other Consortium partners. The project fell under the 'Framework Contract on administrative, technical and legal support for the implementation of environmental governance instruments and policies  (ENV.E.4/FRA/2016/0003), a contract the Consortium succesfully obtained in 2016 (EU Framework Contract of 48 months). The Consortium lead was taken up by Ecologic Institute. The aim of the project was to prepare good practice guidance documents on strategies for combating environmental crimes and other related breaches, on environmental compliance assurance in rural areas in particular in relation to water and nature legislation, and concerning the handling of environmental complaints and engagement of citizens. METRO's task was to prepare the guidance on environmental crimes, in particular on wildlife crime and waste crime. The total project budget was 314.350 Euro, METRO obtained 34.498 Euro for its task. Duration of the project: 15 months.
The formal contract duration ran from 21 December 2017 until 20 March 2019.

Completed projects

Research for DG Environment (see above)

Participation in European Network on Soft Law Research (SOLAR)

List of projects that were executed by METRO over the past years.