
  • When nitrous oxide (laughing gas) is used recreationally, its presence remains detectable in the breath and bloodstream for at least 60 minutes after inhalation, and the development of an instrument to measure it is technically feasible. These were among the findings of a study at Maastricht...

  • Fossil subsidies undermine climate policy, says Patrick Huntjens and other colleagues in an opinion article.

  • Lilian Kloft and Min Wu, both affiliated with the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience (FPN), have been awarded Rubicon grants by research funder NWO. This grant gives promising early-stage scientists the opportunity to gain international research experience.

  • Nienke Verstegen, researcher at De Forensische Zorgspecialisten, has conducted research on aggression within forensic care and its impact on patients and staff. On July 6, 2023, she will receive her PhD from Maastricht University with her dissertation 'Hurt people hurt people. Characteristics and...

  • Do vegetables taste better if you get to choose? With her research, Rosalie Mourmans, PhD student at the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, tries to answer this question. This research earned her a place among the ten finalists of the Klokhuis Science Prize: a prize for interesting scientific...

  • UM professor concerned about idea that you can be healthy at any weight

  • Milene Bonte, professor of Cognitive Neuroscience of Language and Literacy Development at UM’s Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, has received an NWO Vici grant of 1.5 million euros. The amount is earmarked for research into the timely identification of children in need of extra support to...

  • Body language is perhaps our most important means of communication. But our knowledge about the effects of postures is low.

  • People who are customers of a bicycle rental company are more likely to go by bike instead of public transport, car or on foot. This is according to recent research by scientists at Maastricht University.

  • Four Maastricht research teams are starting their projects funded with money from the Open Competition of grant provider ZonMw. In addition, a Nijmegen research team has been awarded, which includes Harro van Lente, professor of Science and Technology Studies at Maastricht University (UM).