
  • 27 September 2023, Brussels | “The green transition in mobility is going well, but it could be a lot better. Until 2040 and 2050, the infrastructure we need to build, will be impossible to achieve on an individual level.” With this conclusion, Turi Fiorito director of the European Federation of...

  • Carolin Muschalik and Lukas Figge-Muschalik met in 2014, when Lukas was doing a PhD and Carolin was finishing her master’s at Maastricht University. One year ago they left on a trip around the world, intending to explore, enjoy life and satisfy their curiosity, but also to contribute to a more...

  • She was the first woman in the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be appointed Legal Adviser, the chief civil servant in its International Law department. She relished negotiating between parties at a global level. Now she serves as a neutral arbiter in another international legal setting, as a...

  • Professor Fred Zijlstra is set to retire in May. How does he look back on his career? What is his take on current developments in the field of work and organisational psychology? And how can we, as a society, best organise work—now and in the future?

  • EU immigration and asylum law are plagued by disharmony and dysfunction. Lilian Tsourdi, assistant professor of International and European Law, is investigating how to improve the situation.

  • Elia Formisano, professor of Neural Signal Analysis at the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience recently published a paper in Nature Neuroscience in collaboration with Bruno Giordano at Université Aix-Marseille, France and Michele Esposito, Giancarlo Valente. The title of the paper is Intermediate...

  • Dr. Brenda Erens recently obtained her PhD at the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience. We talked about her work and upcoming challenges.

  • Doctrine, documents, data – this is the trinity which Anna Beckers will analyse in her ERC-funded project CHAINLAW. The project will lay the foundation for developing a regulatory framework in response to the socio-economic institutions that make up global value chains. Her holistic approach will...

  • Professor Bruno de Witte is saying goodbye to Maastricht University, but not to European Law. He will continue to deliver his razor-sharp legal analyses at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence.