The Advocate General of the European Court of Justice (hereafter: A-G) E. Sharpston has come to the conclusion that Dutch frontier workers living in the Netherlands and working in so-called mini-jobs in Germany are still entitled to Dutch retirement pensions and child benefits.
Maja Brkan appeared on Slovenian national TV in an interview for the programme 'Slovenia and Europe'.
In the context of De Atlas voor Gemeenten 2019 , it became clear that South Limburg has potential. Not just any potential, but even has the ability to grow into "a top region with one of the largest (eu) regional economies in the Netherlands". This is a passage from the recently published Zuid-Limburg cooperation agenda . Last Friday ITEM PhD student Stefan Bemelmans was interviewed by RTV Maastricht about possible border barriers that could prevent South Limburg from growing.
The yearly P.C. Hooftprize is one of the most important literary prizes awarded alternately for prose, poetry, and essayistic writing.
The ASPHER (Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region) Deans & Directors Retreat 2019 was held in Erice, Sicily on 25-27th May 2019.
BISCI shares the vision expressed at the inNOWvate event to innovate the supply chain in the digital era.
Dutch chemical company Akzo Nobel has entered the Supply Chain Top 25 for the first time. Unilever has moved to the "Masters" category.
This year, for the first time, two TEFAF Fellowships are awarded to PhD students from GROW (School for Oncology & Developmental Biology). Femke Ehlers and Nicky Beelen will have the opportunity to perform part of their research in the renowned lab of the TEFAF Honorary Chair, Professor Dr. Lisa Coussens at Oregon Health and Science Knight Cancer Center.