Maastricht University welcomed more than 3,000 prospective students and their parents and guardians during the Bachelor's Open Day on 18 February.
On the 9th of February Maastricht University’s Campus Brussels hosted a workshop of the Worldwide Univerisities Network (WUN) on Brexit.
The amount of data produced by scientists increases by one third every year, according to the European Commission. How can they find their way around this mountain of data? This is the key question intriguing the new distinguished university professor of Data Science, Michel Dumontier.
Anna Harris has been selected as a new member of the Global Young Academy (GYA). The Global Young Academy ‘aims to become the voice of young scientists around the world’
An operation after which the patient is allowed to go home the same day is often more difficult that people anticipate (MUMC+ news, PhD conferral Björn Stessel)
Pauline Hakutangwi had never heard of Maastricht, let alone Maastricht University. Born in Zimbabwe but resident in the UK since the age of 10, she nevertheless headed for the South Limburg city in 2013 to pursue her master’s in Global Health. “It turned out to be ideal. The programme has given me a...
Previously, assistant professor of Finance Paul Smeets showed that investors are willing to invest in sustainable funds and projects even if this leads to lower financial returns. Last summer he received a Veni grant for a far-reaching new study on the motivations of sustainable investors.
185 youngsters under the age of eighteen got the opportunity to stand in the shoes of a European parliament member last week. This year, the biannual Model European Parliament took place in Arnhem and Maastricht, the location where the Maastricht Treaty was signed 25 years ago.
On 30 January the 6th pension seminar took place. The seminar was entitled: 'De pensioenmarkt wikt, de fiscaliteit beschikt. Worden de neveneffecten door u onderkend?’.