A covenant was signed today by the Maastricht Museum of Natural History and the Maastricht Science Programme (MSP) - Maastricht University.
Jade Connor and Maneesha Bhugwansing from the United States are joining the UM community as Fulbright / Maastricht University Award grantees this year.
Nobel Prize winner prof. Ben Feringa was the guest of honour yesterday at the Brightlands Chemelot Campus during the Collegetour. During this event it became very apparent that Ben Feringa is a man with a passion for science, who loves his students but still has his feet firmly planted on the ground.
The Ministry of Education, Culture and Science has appointed Dr. Jennifer Barnes as member of the Supervisory Board of Maastricht University from 1 July 2017 until 30 June 2021.
To get a residence permit in the Netherlands, or elsewhere in Europe, asylum seekers need to tell a credible story about their identity, their country of origin and the reason they fled. Yet the way in which asylum officials ask questions does not always make for a good test of reality. This is the conclusion of Tanja van Veldhuizen’s PhD dissertation, which she will defend at Maastricht University on 22 September.
Madelon Peters, professor of Experimental Health Psychology about her new (Dutch) book on happiness and optimism.
Professor Harro van Lente has been appointed as member of the Health Council of the Netherlands, an independent scientific advisory body for the government and parliament.
While there are no indications that the number of serious violations of integrity in law enforcement has increased over the past five years, the violations are getting more serious.
A short update of Maastricht University's position in two recently released rankings.