
  • Gera Nagelhout is, in many respects, not a typical professor. She was the first in her family to attend university, and at the age of 34 was appointed endowed professor of Health and Wellbeing of People with a Lower Socioeconomic Position.

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): is it an amazing technology that we need to implement absolutely everywhere, or a boogeyman that could spell the end of humanity?

  • Special Chair of Text-Mining Jan Scholtes on how ChatGPT actually works, why it’s an amazing achievement and where we should probably exercise a bit of caution.

  • Dr. Brenda Erens recently obtained her PhD at the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience. We talked about her work and upcoming challenges.

  • The status quo isn’t viable; we need to transform how we do things and how we think about them – not just in one domain but in the complex system made up of the interactions between all the domains. With his Natural Social Contract, Patrick Huntjens sketches a way forward.

  • Doctrine, documents, data – this is the trinity which Anna Beckers will analyse in her ERC-funded project CHAINLAW. The project will lay the foundation for developing a regulatory framework in response to the socio-economic institutions that make up global value chains. Her holistic approach will...

  • How can you reinvent the orchestra? The Maastricht Centre for the Innovation of Classical Music (MCICM) and philharmonie zuidnederland worked together to appeal to a new audience.

  • A bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry in Canada, an English teacher in Vietnam, and a master’s degree in Global Health in Maastricht. Rochelle’s journey is not one you see every day.

  • lorenzo morini

    Captain Space-Heart

    MERLN’s Lorenzo Moroni coordinates a European consortium that develops a technology to create heart ventricles in space using magnetic and acoustic levitation. The subsequent research on the International Space Station will have significant benefits for the humble inhabitants of Earth.

  • Professor Bruno de Witte is saying goodbye to Maastricht University, but not to European Law. He will continue to deliver his razor-sharp legal analyses at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence.