
  • Climate, war and resurgent nationalism: global cooperation is rattling on all sides. Yet Professor Mathieu Segers still advocates European leadership: 'When death and destruction are spreading, and there seems to be no more light, often the most brilliant plans emerge.'

  • A stop to migration? Setting aside the nitrogen regulations? Radically countering internationalisation in higher education? Politicians regularly make great pronouncements. To what extent are these promises realistic? Dr Karin van Leeuwen, lecturer of European Political History at the Faculty of...

  • Is an elephant in Artis Zoo just as “wild” as an elephant on the African savannah? What place do animals have in a world that is increasingly shaped by humans? Why does the presence of a few wolves in the Netherlands trigger so many negative emotions, while Dutch people donate money en masse to...

  • Fossil subsidies undermine climate policy, says Patrick Huntjens and other colleagues in an opinion article.

  • The trailblazing cohort of the Global Studies bachelor programme has graduated. Gaia Gazzara and Vincent Tadday look back on transdisciplinarity, challenging yourself and integrating new perspectives.

  • For science does not happen only through the university, Marjolein van Asselt, outgoing professor of Risk Governance at Maastricht University, argued during her farewell lecture.

  • While the discourse around ChatGPT has probably started reaching saturation point, it’s worth pointing out how few of these discussions are actually about the chatbot itself. From being too quick to accuse students of cheating, to underestimating what humans can do, to the perils of following the...

  • How can you reinvent the orchestra? The Maastricht Centre for the Innovation of Classical Music (MCICM) and philharmonie zuidnederland worked together to appeal to a new audience.

  • Prime Minister Rutte's position in Europe is quite strong," observes EU expert Mathieu Segers, professor of European History at Maastricht University.

  • Bijzonder hoogleraar Taalcultuur Leonie Cornips ziet in ieder geval verregaande vormen van verbale en non-verbale communicatie tussen koeien onderling en de dieren en hun verzorgers.