Past events

  • 05 Dec
    10:00 - 16:00

    Experience Day Digital Society 5 December 2018

    An Experience Day allows you to experience what it is like to be a Digital Society student. You will attend a lecture and participate in a tutorial group, which will introduce you to both the teaching system and the subject matter.

  • 04 Dec

    UCM - Experience Day - December 2018

    During an Experience Day, prospective students get in-depth information from UCM staff members and students about the Liberal Arts and Sciences programme. Current UCM students are present to tell you all there is to know about student life in Maastricht and you will have the opportunity to...

  • 03 Dec
    16:00 - 18:00

    THEO VAN BOVEN LECTURE by Prof. Dr. Theresia Degener

    Inclusive equality and the human rights model of disability – 10 years jurisprudence of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities by Prof. Theresia Degener, Chair of CRPD Committee.

  • 03 Dec
    09:00 - 19:00

    LACS Board and Research meeting

    Meeting Research Network for Law and Cognitive Sciences (LACS)


  • 30 Nov
    11:00 - 13:00

    Culture Ethics and Leadership | seminar by Prof. Dr. Amy Edmondson, Harvard Business School

    Prof. Dr. Amy Edmondson will give a presentation about her research on psychological safety in the workplace. She will adopt a retrospect look on how she developed key ideas about psychological safety, and look forward on how organizations can improve their learning capacity. This seminar is open...

  • 27 Nov

    Modelling brain energy metabolism

    The brain consumes an inordinate amount of energy with respect to its weight and understanding brain energy metabolism is crucial. Prof Renaud Jolivet will explain why this is crucial and go more in-depth on how to design models of brain energy metabolism and more.

  • 26 Nov
    13:00 - 17:30

    EEX Symposium

    Information only available in Dutch


  • 26 Nov
  • 24 Nov
    10:00 - 15:00

    Campus Venlo Open Day - November 2018

    Visit our Campus Open Day and get the opportunity to walk around in Venlo and explore the city’s gems! Venlo is a lively and welcoming city where most students quickly find a room within cycling distance of the university.​

  • 21 Nov
    09:00 - 18:00