Past events

  • 05 Dec

    Experience Day Law - 5 December 2018

    An experience day allows you to experience what it is like to be a law student.

  • 13 Sep
    16:00 - 20:00

    Kick off masters

    Graag nodigen wij jullie uit voor deelname aan een Kick-off kennismakingsbijeenkomst voor de masters Nederlands Recht en Forensica, Criminologie en Rechtspleging, op 13 september 2018, van 16.00 - 20.00 uur.

  • 23 May

    Student Think Tank - Heerlen

    In the context of the Nachbar Nacht, a Student Think Tank will take place. The Think tank will focus on opportunities of young professionals living in the border region. The Think Tank will be organised by the Municipality of Heerlen and the Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border...

  • 12 Mar
    19:00 - 21:00

    Derde Actualiteitenavond: Gemeenteraadsverkiezingen

    Op 12 maart organiseren de studie Rechtsgeleerdheid, de master Nederlands Recht, het Montesquieu Instituut en Jsv Ouranos een avond over de gemeenteraadsverkiezingen.

  • 01 Feb
    13:00 - 18:00

    Faculty Introduction Law

    Faculty Introduction new master's students starting in February.

  • 11 Mar

    Abraham de Pinto competition 2017

    How do you conduct a good interview as a lawyer?

    The Abraham de Pinto competition is a Dutch language moot court. Its aim is to arouse interest among students for the importance of oral communication with clients for a proper exercise of the legal profession. Teams of two students, both in the role...

  • 02 Feb

    Law Faculty Introduction

    Faculty Introduction for our new master- and exchange students (start February 2017).