Past events

  • 18 Dec
    15:00 - 17:00

    Flexible Parsimonious Models for Complex Data and the Challenge of Rare Words

    Researchers throughout academia, industry, and government are generating data at scales and levels of complexity far beyond what could previously have been imagined. Complex data demand statistical models that are sufficiently flexible to adapt to meaningful, underlying signals, allowing scientists...

  • 30 Nov
    11:00 - 13:00

    Culture Ethics and Leadership | seminar by Prof. Dr. Amy Edmondson, Harvard Business School

    Prof. Dr. Amy Edmondson will give a presentation about her research on psychological safety in the workplace. She will adopt a retrospect look on how she developed key ideas about psychological safety, and look forward on how organizations can improve their learning capacity. This seminar is open...

  • 14 Sep
    10:45 - 15:00

    Future-Proof Decision Making Symposium

    From pensions to accountancy, from healthcare to performance management systems, small differences in the way
    information is presented can have huge impact on individuals’ choices, business strategy and policy-making.

  • 28 Jun
    14:00 - 17:00

    De Economen Dag

    Ben jij docent economie of bedrijfseconomie op een Limburgse vwo-school? Dan is de Economen Dag wellicht iets voor jou!

  • 13 Dec
    08:30 - 17:00

    Engaging pension plan participants: challenges and insights

    The kick off conference for the project “Engaging pension plan participants: How emotions, peer effects, and life events influence the effectiveness of pension communication” will be held on Tuesday December 13 at Maastricht University.

  • 18 Nov
    14:00 - 17:30

    Taste of Knowledge

    Taste of Knowledge is a unique event to network, get familiar with and 'taste' the knowledge of Maastricht University School of Business and Economics.

  • 21 Oct
    09:00 - 18:30

    Conference on green and healthy homes: exploring finance, investments, and outcomes

    This one-day conference brings together experts in housing finance and health and top researchers from ECCE, MIT, and the University of Southern California.

  • 17 Oct
    16:00 - 20:30

    Food for Financials Seminar (i.s.m. Yacht)

    De Food for Financials seminars worden tweemaal per jaar in samenwerking met Yacht georganiseerd. De seminars in deze reeks bieden een uitstekende gelegenheid om nieuwe inzichten te verwerven en prima netwerkmogelijkheden. We hopen u graag weer te begroeten! Meer informatie over het programma en de...

  • 22 Sep

    Dag van de Limburgse Financial (i.s.m. Fagro, Rabobank en Zuyd Hogeschool)

    De organisatie van dit jaarlijks terugkerend congres is in handen van Fagro, Rabobank, Maastricht University en Zuyd Hogeschool. Middels het organiseren van dit congres wil de organisatie een bijdrage leveren aan het behouden en aantrekken van finance professionals in de provincie Limburg.


  • 20 Sep
    16:30 - 21:15

    Workshop Financiële Aspecten Rondom Projecten (i.s.m. Fagro)

    Er zijn diverse financiële onderwerpen die een rol spelen bij projectmanagement & control. Hierbij gaat het om de projectbegroting, het financieel beoordelen van projecten, projectbudget en cost control, de business case en de Earned Value Analyse.