
  • For the eleventh year running, our School of Business and Economics was proud to host the prestigious International Case Competition @ Maastricht (ICC@M) from Sunday, 18 April until Friday, 23 April. During this week, sixteen teams of students from renowned business schools all over the world have...

  • SBE alumna Felizitas Oppel was disappointed by the options she had as a consumer when it came to finding sustainable yet affordable jewelry. So she started her own sustainable jewelry business! 

  • Inspired by his own life and education, SBE alumnus Thanh Binh Tran created Moonshot Mission, a digital platform with the aim of eliminating extreme poverty by connecting donors with NGOs that utilise proven scientific methods to have the greatest possible impact per Euro invested. In this blog...

  • The new report based on the HBO Monitor shows that HBO graduates experience more stress in their work than before the corona pandemic. On the other hand, unemployment figures among this group have changed relatively little.

  • Participants in Pensioenfonds Detailhandel want sustainable investments, even if this yields less investment return. This is evident from research by Maastricht University in 2018, and was confirmed during a second study in 2020.  

  • During the first school closure in primary education in the 2019/2020 school year as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, pupils from all backgrounds suffered a delay in learning growth compared to the previous years. However, the delay is greater for some pupils than for other pupils. This is shown by...

  • How do we involve citizens in the sustainability transition? When do they start participating? What solutions could reliably count on wide public support and how do we find these? What implications could such an approach have for governmental practices? What barriers do sustainable solutions...

  • In this blog post, Assistant Professor Robert Suurmond explores the common argument that earlier supplier involvement is an effective approach to new product development. 

  • As we move forward to address global challenges, facts and scientific research need to feed community knowledge and play an important role in public decision-making. For this, effective research communication is key! For this article, we spoke about this topic with Professor Melissa Siegel, who is...

  • A presumed consent system for organ donation, where you are an organ donor unless you indicate that you do not want to, does not automatically lead to fewer deaths among organ patients. The positive expectations in this regard may need to be adjusted.