The Supervisory Board of Maastricht University is pleased to announce the appointment of Prof. R.M. (Rianne) Letschert to Rector Magnificus of Maastricht University.
On Friday 22 April 2016 at the invitation of Maastricht University, 40 cyclists toured part of the '40 of Limburg' route with Hennie Kuiper as their road captain.
M-CEL member Professor Lisa Waddington, in collaboration with Dr. Andrea Broderick, has written a report entitled Disability law and reasonable accommodation beyond employment, A legal analysis of the situation in EU Member States.
VitaK Innovation in Life Science, a Maastricht University spin-off company, has launched the Vita K Meter, the first non-invasive device for monitoring the risk of vitamin K insufficiency.
Milena Pavlova has received the AXA Award of € 250,000 for her overall research achievements. Milena works at the Department of Health Services Research as Associate Professor of Health Economics and was granted the AXA Award for her overall research achievements.
Martha Ingola, who is in her final year of her Bachelor biology and medical laboratory research and an intern at the M4I division of Imaging Mass Spectrometry, was awarded a poster prize.
On Monday, 18 April, the new draft design for Tapijn was presented in the third dialogue session. The meeting took place at the Tapijnkazerne grounds.
Christophe van Eecke has been awarded one of the five Research Prizes from the Praemium Erasmianum Foundation for his PhD dissertation titled ‘Pandaemonium: Ken Russell’s Artist Biographies as Baroque Performance’.
Last week, VU Amsterdam announced it had opened an innovative installation in their university building to encourage students and employees to stand more.