In the latest edition of the Dutch study information guide Keuzegids Universiteiten, five out of the seventeen UM bachelor's programmes that were evaluated were ranked first. The university itself was listed fourth in the 'other universities' category.
The bachelor programme in Tax Law is ranks first place in the Keuzegids Hoger Onderwijs again. Students of this programme are above average satisfied with their teachers and the study programme. They also highly value the strong skills education.
The National Prevalence Measurement of Healthcare Quality (Landelijk Prevalentiemeting Zorgkwaliteit, LPZ) – a measurement tool developed by researchers at Maastricht University to assess the quality of basic healthcare – has been revised.
Assistent professor Jacques Claessen (Faculty of Law) is a proponent of ‘restorative justice’, someone who believes in the power of mediation in criminal cases. 16 November marks the International Day of Tolerance – an opportune time to highlight the difference between ‘severe’ and ‘smart’ punishment.
On this day exactly 125 years ago, physician Sir Fredrick Grant Banting was born. Together with Charles Best and John Macleod, Banting discovered that insulin could be used to treat diabetes.
UM is developing an innovative learning environment in the field of biobased materials on the Brightlands Chemelot Campus in Sittard-Geleen.
On 9 November Annerika Slok defended her PhD thesis titled ‘Towards personalised management using the Assessment of Burden of COPD (ABC) tool’ and was awarded the distinction cum laude.
Call for Papers for the seminar on “Reconsidering the Law-Finance Nexus in a Post-Crisis World” (The 5th International Seminar on Law and Economics, held in Beijing, 2 June 2017)
Possible alternative for endoscopy to control Crohn's disease (MUMC+ news)
Twelve November it is World Pneumonia Day. Camielle Noordam did PhD research on pneumonia in children in sub-Saharan Africa.