
  • State-owned sovereign wealth funds (SWFs), like that of FIFA World Cup host nation Qatar, are major shareholders in Western industrial and cultural assets. Is that a cause for concern? FASoS’ Adam Dixon has some answers.

  • When we asked alumnus Robbie Servais about his current occupation, he told us that he works as a football coach at K.R.C. Genk. An unusual career considering that he studied International Business at Maastricht University. Although Robbie's profession may seem like an unusual career choice, his...

  • From polarisation, misinformation and populists at home to geopolitical pressure from abroad: European democracy is feeling the strain. In an effort to uphold and expand one of its core values, the EU is financing a research project on the promotion of democracy. Professor Giselle Bosse, an Eastern...

  • For three years in a row, Steffen Künn and colleagues went to a seven-week-long chess tournament in Cologne to establish a link between levels of air pollution and cognitive performance. The somewhat alarming results were eagerly scooped up by the media, but it took even more data to convince the...

  • A Global History of Hungary, 1869-2022 is a comprehensive book that presents the country as an open society interacting with other nations, mainly within Europe.

  • Melline Somers is the only child of a Thai mother and a Dutch father. During her studies, she developed a love of Italian cuisine too. Now a postdoctoral researcher at ROA, she discusses life between two—or even three—cultures.

  • We often know no more about war victims than their date of death and the way they died. Amanda Kluveld, associate professor at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, is committed to discovering more. She gives a face to victims of war, particularly the Second World War. In archives, she recently...

  • In the context of International Mother Language Day, we present a number of short videos about Maastricht University's language research.

  • Emerging Markets is the latest specialisation in the bachelor’s programmes in International Business and Economics & Business Economics at Maastricht University. New as it may be, it is already popular. It has even spurred on the development of a follow-up programme to be launched next autumn: the...