
  • UM-studenten Carlotta, Emma, Julia en Alice cook for the addicted residents of the Domus houses managed by the Salvation Army.  

  • UM student Costas Georgiades on his efforts to help those who need it most - and on his experiences on Lesbos

  • What do a radio station, support for psychological problems, a library of things, an app that contains all university activities and a chess club have in common? These are the five ideas that reached the final stage of the Student Idea Competition.

  • Emerging Markets is the latest specialisation in the bachelor’s programmes in International Business and Economics & Business Economics at Maastricht University. New as it may be, it is already popular. It has even spurred on the development of a follow-up programme to be launched next autumn: the...

  • MUMC+ presents eHealth applications to Indian delegation

  • Meet the new Blade Runner: Noah Mbuyamba, first-year medical student from Maastricht.

  • CIN new interfaculty cooperation for Integrative Neuroscience launched

  • Should the turnout of students in this month’s municipal elections be anywhere near as high as at last night’s event, then the organisers of the MaasX debate will be doubly pleased.

  • UM has hosted the first Global Citizenship Education Symposium on 1 March 2018, with more than a hundred students, lecturers and community stakeholders in attendance.

  • The Netherlands’ annual Week van het Geld (Week of Money) is inspired by the very worthy (and very Dutch) conviction that it’s never too soon to teach children about money.  But what new financial lessons do the rest of us – undergraduates, academics, citizens, politicians - need to learn? Long...