
  • Professor Yvonne van der Meer is investigating how companies can improve the sustainability of their products. She analyses every material, exposing the lifecycle in its entirety.

  • The Brightlands Smart Services Campus in Heerlen recently turned five, which called for a celebration. A double commemoration in fact, since not only was it the campus’ fifth anniversary, the AI-hub Brightlands also celebrated its official opening.

  • At EGGXPERT, a local startup, two waste products from eggs are put to use in the production of facial masks and wound plasters. Co-founder Chang Liu was one of the first graduates of the master’s in Biobased Materials at the Faculty of Science and Engineering.

  • Gerard van Rooij, professor of Plasma Chemistry, was the first PhD candidate of Ron Heeren, university professor and director of the M4I institute. Together they reflect on a pioneering period in which they took the first tentative steps in the development of imaging mass spectrometry.

  • UM students Vincent and Laura Nieboer, inspired by their father, came up with an accessible concept to help farmers worldwide stop the depletion of agricultural land. They recently pitched their idea at the ‘Little big talks’ on the occasion of the celebration of 80 years of materials science and...

  • How many spells are cast by the characters in the seven Harry Potter books? That’s what master’s students of Data Science for Decision Making Moritz Haine and Markus Dienstknecht wanted to find out in celebration of Harry Potter’s 20th anniversary. To answer their question, they used text mining, an...

  • Connor Deacon-Price is a recently graduated student at Maastricht Science Programme (MSP) and to be presenting his research in the battle against cancer at a mainstream high-level conference is extremely remarkable

  • The three student teams from the master's Health Food Innovation Management (Campus Venlo) who dominated the preliminary rounds a few weeks ago, drew the first, second and third place in the semi-finals of the Ecotrophelia food innovation contest.