12 Sep 10 Oct19:30 - 21:30
Human Rights
Studium Generale | Lecture Series
13 Sep10:00
PhD Defence Ines Mouchaers
"Managing Everyday Life: Exploring the Essential Components of Reablement and User Experiences"
13 Sep13:00
PhD Defence Linsey Jeannette Francine Peters
"MicroRNA-26b plays a major regulatory role in cardiometabolic diseases"
13 Sep16:30
Inaugural lecture Dr. Anique Hommels
"Transforming Cities in Times of Turmoil: Obduracy, Sustainability and Experimentation"
14 Sep 15 Sep
Open Monument Days 2024
De Universiteit Maastricht neemt dit jaar wederom deel aan de Open Monumentendagen, op 14 en 15 september. Het thema van dit jaar is ‘Erfgoed van routes, netwerken en verbindingen'. In het bestuursgebouw aan de Minderbroedersberg 4-6 zijn rondleidingen, een expositie van Limburgs erfgoed en...
15 Sep 17 Dec12:00
The Globalization and Law Network invites you to the TEGL Annual Conference. The conference is aimed at scholars, practitioners, and experts wanting to contribute to an engaging exploration of the intricate relationship between law and uncertainty. In an era marked by unprecedented global challenges...
16 Sep10:00
Online PhD Defence Akhil Antony Konkoth
"Multifaceted Role of Microvesicles in Thrombo-inflammation: Role of Microvescles in Haemostatic Imbalance in Sepsis"
16 Sep13:00
PhD Defence Stefi Nordkamp
"Horizons in treatment of locally recurrent rectal cancer"
16 Sep20:00
17 Sep10:00
PhD Defence Francesco Maletto
"Enhancing marine protection: The role of Prevention in addressing pollution from land-based sources starting from the European regional experience"