Latest blog articles

  • Union citizens have the right to be accompanied by their ‘spouse’ when exercising their mobility rights. But what if your spouse is denied right of residence because the destination Member State does not recognise your marriage?

    in Law
  • Yelling, offensive language, indecent sounds, and to a certain extent even behaviors are being protected as ‘speech’ or as ‘symbolic speech’ by Article 7 of the constitution. If we believe criminal justice is an appropriate instrument, an intervention is only allowed on the part of the national...

  • No headscarves or other religious expressions in the police, in this way we impair the 'neutral' image associated with the police. (Dutch only)

  • Does Spain have a stong case from the perspective of the decentralised unitary state, to prevent Catalonia from the opportunity to gain independence, and therefore take numerous measures? (Dutch only)

  • Can Member States prohibit pupils from attending education abroad, simply on the belief that it might hamper the integration of the children into society? But what of possible justification grounds?

    in Law
  • referendum stembus

    Nogmaals referenda

    Nederland raakt niet uitgepraat over referenda. En dat is niet zo gek, gezien de recente ervaringen uit het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Spanje en natuurlijk het Oekraïne-referendum. In het regeerakkoord staat dat de Wet raadgevend referendum wordt ingetrokken. Wat moeten we nou van referenda vinden?

  • Can Member States of the EU prohibit pupils from attending education abroad, simply on the belief that it might hamper the integration of these children into society? If this sounds extreme, read on.

    in Law
  • A new perspective? What specific plans and suggestions has Juncker to encounter a more united, stronger and more democratic Europe? Are his plans realistic and do these proposals respond effectively to the issues of democracy and legitimacy? (Dutch only)

  • Juncker's proposals are focused top-down. However, European citizenship will not arise itself by positing in a convention. In short, the knowledge which is present in society, should be fully used. (Dutch only)

  • duisenberg

    Duisenberg's intentions

    In March 2017 Pieter Duisenberg signed a declaration of intent with een bevestigende beantwoording van de volgende vraag: “Do you intend to complete the chosen term?”. (Dutch only)