M. Zamani Esteki

Uitgebreid profiel is alleen beschikbaar in Engels.

Masoud Zamani Esteki is associate professor and principal investigator at Maastricht University Medical Center (MUMC+) and Maastricht University. Masoud’s research lies at the intersection of classical genetics, molecular and developmental genetics, clinical genetics, bioinformatics, and artificial intelligence. During the course of his (post)doctoral research, he has invented methods to study genome instability in early human development with application to the clinic, such as preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) and non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT). Specifically, he has been developing, applying and translating integrative wet- and dry-lab approaches that uncover the genome’s allelic architecture in samples derived from many cells down to a single cell. Some of these technologies are now being used as routine diagnostic genetic tests. See Masoud's hope and vision for the field here.

Masoud leads the Cellular Genomic Medicine (CGM) group. CGM has several lines of active research centered around progressive innovation in Reproductive Medicine, e.g. development and application of novel methods for characterizing different molecular layers, their interplay and connectivity, and their impact on cellular identity and function. In particular at early stages of life. CGM constantly explores new avenues towards translating their research into the clinic.