On 2 February 2017 the third edition of the UM Star Lectures takes place. A number of leading UM professors share topical scientific insights with our alumni. FASoS staff members Sophie Vanhoonacker, Valentina Mazzuccato and Kiran Patel will each give a lecture in respectively The Hague, Berlin and...
Martijn Arts, PhD candidate at the department of General Surgery and the M4I division of Imaging Mass Spectrometry, was awarded the second prize for his talk at the 13th International Medical Postgraduate Conference - IMPC 2016 - .
Walking, strolling and standing more during the day is better for sugar regulation in diabetics than an hour of high-intensity exercise.
Migratierecht en -beleid gaan veelal uit van een eenheid: verblijf en ‘bezigheid’ — werk, studie/stage, onderzoek, et cetera — in één land. Maar diezelfde eenheid levert problemen op in de grensstreken. Niet zozeer voor EU-burgers, die het ‘recht op vrij verkeer’ hebben, maar wel voor zogenoemde...
Maastricht University is developing an innovative learning environment in the field of biobased materials for talented students and professionals on the Brightlands Chemelot Campus in Sittard-Geleen.
Professor Kuiper will be awarded the first Maastricht Prize for International Law on Thursday, 8 December 2016. The ceremony will take place at 13.30 hours at the Municipality of Maastricht (Raadzaal, Mosae Forum 10, Maastricht).
On 1 November, Maastricht University has appointed Dr Fiona Godlee, editor in chief of The BMJ (formerly the British Medical Journal), as honorary professor on behalf of national research school CaRe (Netherlands School for Primary Care Research).
Patients with metastatic breast cancer have a better life expectancy if they are treated with hormone therapy (MUMC+ news).
On the occasion of the inauguration of the completely renovated Skillslab on 24 November, the director, an instructor and two students discuss the ins and outs.
It was the first time that mothers Karolina Dam and Nicola Benyahia spoke to an audience of five hundred about their sons, who got killed in Syria after joining Isis.