Isabella Grabner believes that the way performance is measured makes a huge difference on the work floor. She has conducted groundbreaking research in this field.
There is a growing interest in cross-border collaboration in the European Union , says Maastricht University's Institute for Transnational and Euregional cross border cooperation and Mobility (ITEM). ITEM's annual cross-border impact assessment generates scientific insights into themes involving cross-border mobility and cooperation.
On Wednesday 8 November, Maastricht University (UM) organised the Employability Inspiration & Improvisation Day. During the event, the first results of the UM Employability Programme were presented. The Employability Programme aims to prepare our students for their future careers.
Lipids appear to play an important role in infections. According to researchers from the University of Maastricht and the American University of Maryland, Baltimore (UMB) in Baltimore, MD, USA, specific lipids can greatly accelerate bacterial infection.
NUTRIM – one of the six research schools within Maastricht UMC+ is celebrating its 25th anniversary.
Anna Harris (FASoS), Susan Kelly (University of Exeter) and Sally Wyatt (FASoS) have won the 2017 Sociology of Health and Illness book prize for their book ‘CyberGenetics: Health genetics and new media’ (Routledge 2016).
Tom de Kruif, history teacher at Rijnlands Lyceum in Sassenheim (NL), was acclaimed: History Teacher of the year 2017. The winner was announced on 28 October during a festive gathering in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, hosted by Diewertje Blok. As winner of the title, de Kruif will be ambassador of Dutch history education for a year.
Catalina Goanta (Assistant Professor Faculty of Law, Maastricht University) is one of the seven candidates awarded a Niels Stensen Fellowship in 2018.
Four Syrian students were among the graduates of the master of Healthcare Policy, Innovation and Management (HIPM).