
  • For the research group led by Susan Rutten, professor of Islamic Family Law in a European Context at Maastricht University (UM), in recent weeks, everything has fallen into place. Partly in response to the recommendations of their MARICAP study, the Dutch minister of legal protection Sander Dekker...

  • From 1 January 2020, a new Dutch law regarding the legal status of civil servants can prevent certain employees of Dutch universities from working at home. In a change from the current situation, from January on it matters to cross-border workers how much time they work in the office or from home.

  • The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded Dr Zvezda Vankova of the Faculty of Law a Rubicon grant that allows her to conduct research at the University of Lund (Sweden) for a period of 24 months. The Rubicon programme is intended to give young, highly promising researchers the opportunity to gain...

  • The third report of the ITEM/ICGI project on ‘Cross-Border Corporate Mobility in the EU’ has now been published. The report builds upon the earlier reporting on cross-border corporate activity and features a comprehensive country-by-country reporting to provide a fuller picture of cross-border...

  • It has appeared in several cases already: PhD candidates with a scholarship who do not receive childcare allowance. Recently, Minister Van Engelshoven of Education, Culture and Science answered parliamentary questions about the right to childcare allowance for PhD candidates. The answers she gives...