
  • FPN’s prof. dr. Rainer Goebel has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant of € 2,5M for his research project Reading the Mind’s Eye: AI inspired personalised brain models of mental imagery. Goebel is among 255 researchers (out of 1829 applications in all domains) in Europe to receive the grant, and he is...

  • In recent years, there has been quite some debate surrounding the value of rakings. So the question is: do university rankings really matter that much? Fair question. In this article, SBE’s Dean Mariëlle Heijltjes and SBE’s Associate Dean Gaby Odekerken weigh in on the subject.

  • What happens in the brain of someone with a psychiatric disorder? Eleonora Broggi, an alumna of the bachelor Biomedical Sciences at Maastricht University, is investigating brain patterns in people with autism spectrum disorder at King’s College London. Read how Eleonora uses Biomedical Sciences for...

  • SBE alumnus Paul Schraven reflects on his journey after Maastricht University School of Business and Economics (SBE). After a stint in management consulting, he co-founded SparkSupply in Berlin, connecting students to startups. Shifting away from this model, he worked remotely for a US startup...

  • If you start working less, it will also affect pension accrual. You will have less to spend after you retire. Employees do not give this enough thought.

  • The rise of compliance reporting to make the lucrative coffee and cocoa trade more sustainable means millions of smallholder farmers generating valuable data. Who owns this data and who should benefit? SBE’s Fair & Smart Data Spearhead Sidi Amar and his team have developed some principles.

  • Fossil subsidies undermine climate policy, says Patrick Huntjens and other colleagues in an opinion article.

  • SBE alumnus Riccardo Notarangelo works as a Project Researcher at the University of Vaasa in Finland. In this article, he shares how his studies and experience at SBE and his love for rugby contributed to him going to where he went and ending up where he is.

  • Obligation for energy label C for offices seems to have desired effect

  • Carolin Muschalik and Lukas Figge-Muschalik met in 2014, when Lukas was doing a PhD and Carolin was finishing her master’s at Maastricht University. One year ago they left on a trip around the world, intending to explore, enjoy life and satisfy their curiosity, but also to contribute to a more...