Latest blog articles

  • Trump wall - blog Maastricht University

    Emergency for a wall?

    Is it legally possible for Trump to invoke an emergency in order to avoid Congress and obtain the necessary funds to build his wall? Or put differently: is it possible under US law to undo the refusal of Congress to appropriate the necessary funds?

  • Brexit update 21 dec 2018 blog image flag UK

    Week from hell

    Theresa May’s favoured Brexit deal is finished. The question remains when the Prime Minister will finally be prevailed upon to understand this reality – and when Parliament will finally take charge of the process.

  • A lot happened in the last two weeks. Not only was there an important message by Saint Nick and Pete, also the Sector Plan Law was finalised. We also look ahead at the Faculty Christmas gathering on Wednesday – with a surprise.

  • What does sovereignty mean in today’s world, given trends of globalisation, Europeanisation and also polarisation?

  • Well-attended drinks took place in the Common Room to thank everyone involved in the Implementation Advice Groups and the ITK and CeQuInt evaluations.

  • Brexit blog Theresa May_Prashant Sabharwal - Law Blogs Maastricht


    With the final draft of the proposed Withdrawal Agreement having been published, the ball is back in the corridors of power in the United Kingdom. Will it take the deal?

  • Update Brexit blog October 2018

    Ever closer edge

    With its preparations woefully short and lacking a coherent strategy, the United Kingdom is sleepwalking into the worst-case No-Deal Brexit scenario.

  • Why would the EU at all consider unilaterally offering a new status to British (or other former EU) citizens without there being any reciprocal status or legal protection for EU citizens living in the UK (or any other exiting Member State)?

  • The entire structure of Article 50 TEU implies that it is up to a Member State to withdraw from the Union without there being any limitation imposed by EU law as to the reasons for the withdrawal, how this decision is taken or the extent to which that Member State takes into consideration the...

  • The quest for perfection in LWOW allows you to learn fast, develop many skillsets, and give you a good introduction to the workplace of tomorrow. Technology is all around in LWOW, we might be young millennials drowned in it, but we still have a bit to learn. LWOW will teach you how to use technology...