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  • What does the term ‘MOCCA’ evoke in your mind, a kind of coffee or a specific brand? This Kat randomly asked this question to her friends currently at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition Munich. Most of them regarded ‘MOCCA’ as a kind of coffee instead of a specific brand except...

    by: in Law
  • During the Easter weekend there was a lack of clarity about what the rules are at the German-Dutch border. What is actually still allowed when it comes to travelling from the Netherlands to Germany and vice versa? Both the government in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) and in the Netherlands have...

  • Do you have an ICD and live in the border region? In that case, it is possible that your cardiologist is located in a neighbouring country. According to EU law, EU citizens have the possibility to receive cross-border care. Nevertheless, it appears that this health care provision is not widely...

  • “Bartleby,” said I, “Ginger Nut is away; just step round to the Post Office, won’t you? (it was but a three minute walk,) and see if there is anything for me.” “I would prefer not to.”
 “You will not?”
 “I prefer not.”