Past events

  • 27 May
    13:30 - 15:30

    Discussion on the Recent ICC Arrest Warrant Applications in Relation to the Situation in Gaza and Israel

    You are Invited to a Discussion on the Recent ICC Arrest Warrant Applications in Relation to the Situation in Gaza and Israel on Monday 27 May.

  • 09 Apr
    09:00 - 14:30

    Microscopy CORE Lab Ambassadors Day 2024

    To show the UM and MUMC+ communities how Advanced Microscopy can support Science and Education through the work done and projected by our users.

  • 08 Mar 22 Mar
    10:45 - 16:00

    Meeloopdag | Rechtsgeleerdheid & Fiscaal Recht

    Tijdens de Meeloopdag ervaar je hoe het is om rechtenstudent te zijn. Dit betekent dat je een échte onderwijsgroep gaat observeren*. Deze onderwijsgroep bestaat uit huidige rechtenstudenten die over een actueel juridisch onderwerp discussiëren onder leiding van een tutor. Zo krijg je een goed beeld...

  • 04 Dec
    15:00 - 17:00

    Health Master Fair

    Thinking about what’s next after your bachelor’s programme? Interested in following a master’s at UM? Come to Randwyck Health Campus to check all master’s programmes on offer!

  • 28 Nov
    18:30 - 20:30

    Master your Future | Economics and Policy programmes

    The School of Business and Economics is organizing a “Master your Future” event exclusively for current UM Bachelor students to make sure you have all the necessary information about our master programmes.

  • 10 Oct
    18:30 - 20:30

    Master your Future | Business

    The School of Business and Economics is organizing a “Master your Future” event exclusively for current UM Bachelor students to make sure you have all the necessary information about our master programmes.

  • 10 Oct
    17:00 - 22:00

    (on)bespreekbaar – praat mee over vrouwengezondheid!

    Op 10 oktober 2023 gaan wij graag in gesprek met jou! Help jij ons verschillende taboes te doorbreken? Praat dan met ons over vrouwengezondheid.

  • 27 Feb
    18:30 - 20:30

    Master your Future - Business

    The School of Business and Economics is organizing a “Master your Future” event exclusively for current UM Bachelor students to make sure you have all the necessary information about our master programmes.

  • 15 May 30 Jun
    09:00 - 23:59

    Grow, make a difference and live for free!

    In Match Huizen you make a real contribution to the neighbourhood and you don't pay rent! Make a contribution to the neighbourhood where you live. Grow, learn and develop your social skills.