Past events

  • 15 Dec
    16:00 - 17:00

    Online Q&A-session (Instagram)

    Learn more about our International Business programme and ask your questions during the Live Instagram Q&A with our staff and student ambassadors.

  • 12 Dec
    09:30 - 12:00

    Workshop - Consultancy Interview Case Preparation

    In this workshop, you learn how to approach a case interview and how to train for it. At the end you have practised part of a case interview and gained valuable tips and tricks on how to perform well. 

  • 09 Dec
    09:30 - 12:30

    Workshop - Entering the labour market with a disability, a chronic disease or health condition

    Entering the labour market and finding the job that fits you can be challenging, sometimes even more so when you have exceptional needs and abilities due to a disability or to a chronic disease or health condition. This workshop will help you!

  • 28 Nov

    Systems Biology | Online Experience Day

    Are you curious to find out what it is like to study at the master’s programme Systems Biology at Maastricht University? Join our Online Experience Day and find out!

  • 28 Nov

    Imaging Engineering | Online Experience Day

    Are you curious to find out what it is like to study at the master’s programme Imaging Engineering at Maastricht University? Join our Online Experience Day and find out!

  • 16 Nov
    09:30 - 11:30

    Positive Health (for students) by the Wellbeing Project Team

    This workshop offers a 2-hour introduction to the concept of Positive Health and you will work with your own ‘health spider web’. The goal is to make you think about what is most important to you, to provide insights in your health and well-being and in what ways you might want or be able to...

  • 15 Nov
    13:30 - 15:00

    Giftedness: Shining a light on bright students by Anke Smeenk

    This workshop about giftedness (in English) is offered both to students and UM-employees who would like to learn more about the topic and who are open to look beyond common prejudices together with us. Our goal is to show an alternative framework for thinking about giftedness on the one hand and to...

  • 14 Nov
    15:00 - 17:00

    Speaking Up by Sex Matters

    We all come across discrimination. Whether it's directed at us or anyone else, unfortunately it's almost everywhere. Fortunately, you can do something about it yourself! In this workshop, you will learn to recognize these situations and how to respond to them. The result is that victims feel seen...

  • 14 Nov 15 Nov
    13:00 - 15:45

    Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes and Administrative Cooperation within the European Union: Taxpayers' Rights, Transparency and Effectiveness

    This workshop aims to cover the historical development, application, limits (if any), effects on taxpayers’ rights and the necessity and effectiveness of continuously widening the exchange of information requirements, from both tax law and administrative law perspectives within the EU.

  • 09 Nov
    10:00 - 16:00

    Law Research Festival

    This festival will provide a platform to share research and thoughts through pitches, presentations and debate.​