Visual in blue and navy of UnliMited Staff with sunflower
04 Jun

If you are disabled or have a chronic illness, navigating the workplace and its demands can be a real challenge. For that reason, Dutch legislation provides for several (practical and/or financial) measures meant to support you in carrying out your work, and grants persons with disabilities protection from discrimination in the workplace. 

mr. dr Alexander Hoogenboom will introduce members of UnliMited-Staff to the Dutch Equal Treatment Act for Persons with a Disability or Chronic Illness. The Act understands the concepts of disability and chronic illness broadly to include, amongst others, ADHD, Autism (Autism spectrum disorder) dyslexia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia.

20 Jun

The program will contain lectures on primary mitochondrial diseases and mitochondrial pathology in other diseases but also novel tools for in vitro and in vivo assessment of mitochondrial functioning.

Perfectionism among students
16 May

In this workshop, you’ll gain a greater awareness of perfectionistic habits and recognise where these help or hinder your students.