Eloise le Conge Kleyn’s life in Dubai looks a lot like her old life here. She studied Psychology at UM and has lived since 2015 in the Middle East, where she works for Maersk Line, the world’s largest container shipping company.
In a blog series on carbohydrates, Professor Emeritus Fred Brouns gives us the facts on this much-discussed nutrient.
On January 26th, the UM Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences hosted the Kapuscinski Development Lecture. The lecture ‘Youth in Movement: Waithood, Migration and the Peripheries’ at FASoS was given by Professor Alcinda Honwana, Inter-Regional Adviser on social development policy at the United Nations Department of Social and Economic Affairs and visiting professor of Anthropology and International Development at the Open University in the UK
During the annual Dies Natalis on 26 January 2018 Sally Wyatt will give a Dies lecture on 'Where is the knowledge we have lost in data?'.
It takes five years of uninterrupted stay in the Netherlands for a foreigner to become a Dutch citizen through naturalisation. According to some political parties, this is too short a period to become a full member of society. The government planned to increase the minimum residence requirement to seven years. Maarten Vink, professor of Political Science at Maastricht University, was against the proposal. “It’s not based on any scientific evidence.”
Most firms want to encourage creativity or innovation or process improvement, but it’s always a struggle to know how you can foster that. A study co-authored by Alexander Brüggen, his SBE colleague Feichter and US-based scholar Michael G. Williamson, and part-funded by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, may hold some answers.
UM first university in Europe to register for the WELL Building Standard.
In this blog series about carbohydrates, Professor Emeritus Fred Brouns gives us the facts on this much-discussed nutrient.
Een groot deel van het geld voor zorg wordt besteed aan een kleine groep Nederlanders. Dirk Ruwaard, hoogleraar public health and health care innovation, reageert in Trouw.