The research institutes M4I and MERLN, both part of Maastricht University (UM), are to become partners in a new national collaboration as of 1 January 2025. The Nijmegen-based laser and magnet lab HFML-FELIX will become an NWO Institute under the umbrella of the Foundation for Dutch Scientific Research Institutes (NWO-I) from that date. The two Maastricht institutes will act as official partners in this unique, large-scale scientific infrastructure in the Netherlands. In addition to NWO, Radboud University and UM, five other universities are involved in this special partnership.
On 2 December 2024, 14 teachers and educators attended the first workshop of EDLAB’s Education Research Professional Development series at Maastricht University.
Beating the odds: Julien Luyten’ s path to rare bile duct cancer research. Insight story from a NUTRIM PhD and chair of the NUTRIM PhD council.
De Universiteit Maastricht heeft nu officieel een beleidskader voor generatieve kunstmatige intelligentie (GenAI). Dit document licht UM’s positie ten opzichte van GenAI toe en geeft richtlijnen voor het verantwoordelijk gebruik ervan in onderwijs, onderzoek en bedrijfsvoering.
On 11 December 2024, the Globalisation & Law Network had the pleasure to welcome Dr Aleydis Nissen, Senior Research Fellow at the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique and the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and Assistant Professor at the University of Antwerp, who presented her research on global value chain regulation in the era of geopolitics.
This summer, the HeArt Ma’at racing crew ran Maastrichts Mooiste, the city’s largest annual running event. Their goal was to raise money for research into an art therapy for heart patients. Dozens of crowdfunding initiatives and hundreds of donations later, they managed to raise more than €55,000 for this special project at the intersection of art and science.
In today’s business world, companies are under increasing pressure to embrace environmental and social responsibility, not just as an act of goodwill but as a fundamental business strategy. Yet, while corporate sustainability goals are plastered across glossy annual reports, what drives the leaders behind these decisions? If money talks, what story does it tell about purpose? Can the way CEOs are paid help shape a more sustainable future? This is the question I explore, together with my co-authors Dennis Bams and Bart Frijns in the paper “Paychecks with a Purpose: Evaluating the Effectiveness of CEO Equity and Cash Compensation for the Triple Bottom Line.” Last week, I had the opportunity to present this paper at the largest Finance conference of Australia, the Australian Finance & Banking Conference hosted at the University of New South Wales.