Research of the UMC+ shows that obese children suffering from asthma can ease their breathing problems by losing weight (MUMC+ news).
On June 23 and 24 2016, the 2nd meeting of the research project titled “Energy Efficiency of Households in Cities: A Multi-method Analysis” (the HEEC project) took place at the International Centre for Integrated assessment and Sustainable development (ICIS) of Maastricht University.
As of 1 September 2016, Gijs van Dijck will join the Faculty of Law as a full professor of Private Law. Van Dijck is legal scholar who specialises in tort law, insolvency law, and research methodology, including empirical legal research.
On 3 July a group of dedicated EU lawyers, PhD researchers and students arrived at the Abbaye de Septfontaines in France in order to take part in a summer school on EU Law organized by Maastricht University for the first time. They were plunged into a secluded, unique, and magnificent environment coupled with a week of high-flying lectures on the function and functioning of the Court of Justice of the EU.
Conclusions from ROA-research on graduates on the labour market.
The department of Public Law is very pleased to announce that the Executive Board has appointed mr. dr. J.E. (Jacobine) van den Brink as professor of European and National Administrative Law as per 1 July 2016. The vacancy for this chair arose because prof.dr. Chris Backes accepted a professorship at Utrecht University.
Researchers Professor Pietro Ghezzi of the Brighton and Sussex Medical School and Professor Harald Schmidt of Maastricht University urge caution in the use of antioxidants...
Livia Wyss, student ‘Globalisation and Law’ at Maastricht University wins ‘2016 Schoemaker-Sustainalytics Student Competition on Business and Human Rights’...