
  • Cees Mulder, Topic-Related Index to the EPC and PCT. Quick Reference for Daily Practice and EQE Paper D and Pre-Exam 
    1st edition (2020) issued by Helze BV Publisher

  • Cees Mulder, The Cross-Referenced Patent Cooperation Treaty
    18th edition (2020) issued by Helze BV Publisher

  • Many of us interact every day with Siri, Apple's voice-activated digital personal assistant. The machines are getting smarter, but experts are divided as to when we'll move from basic AI to the scarey stuff of science fiction, if at all. Almost 50% of American jobs are under threat over the next 15...

  • After four high-quality and competitive preliminary rounds, the team advanced to the final. They were successful against the team from the University of Amsterdam and won the Dutch National Rounds of the Jessup competition. Nga Janda was also awarded 2nd best speaker in the competition, and the team...

  • MCEL scholar Ellen Vos together with Natassa Athanasiadou and Laura Dohmen carried out a study on EU agencies and conflicts of interests, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the Committee on Petitions.

  • The first workshop on Digitalisation, Ethics and EU Fundamental Rights of the NOVA-EU Project took place on January 2020. Be on the lookout for the next workshops on Migration and Borders, the Internal and External Dimension of Sustainable Europe, and  EU Rule of Law and Democracy!

  • One of the scientific directors of M-EPLI, Caroline Cauffman, has joined the editorial board of the Tijdschrift voor Handelspraktijken- en Consumentenrecht (TvC), the most influential Dutch consumer law journal. 

  • PhD thesis written by Mai Kaneko-Iwase.
    Are your parents really 'unknown'? Assessment of 'foundinghood' under international law to avoid statelessness. While the scholarly body of knowledge on statelessness in general has expaned in recent years, little has been written on foundlings in general. The...

  • Marcus Müller (EPO - Munchen) and Cees Mulder, Proceedings before the European Patent Office - A practical guide to success in opposition and appeal (Elgar Practical Guides, 2020).

  • Cees Mulder and Nyske Blokhuis (EP&C), Tactics for D - A methodology for EQE Paper D
    5th edition (2020) issued by Helze BV Publisher