
  • Eight of the 23 bachelor’s programmes at Maastricht University (UM) that were assessed have been voted the best in the country. Six UM programmes have also been awarded ‘Top-rated Programme’ status. The rankings were published today in the university guide Keuzegids Universiteiten 2023.

  • Researchers at the Maastricht MultiModal Molecular Imaging Institute (M4i) have collaborated on a study to improve small intestine organoids. The new organoids also contain Paneth cells and are therefore a complete representation of the human small intestine.

  • Too broad, too vague, too little disciplinary depth – these arguments are often used by critics when talking about Liberal Arts Education (LAE). Research by PhD candidate Milan Kovačević of University College Maastricht (UCM) shows that there is no evidence of such academic shortcomings among LAE...

  • How can you further improve healthcare with the use of ‘big data’? That question is central to many scientific studies worldwide. At Maastricht University, the research group led by Professor of Clinical Data Sciences André Dekker is also working on answers to this question.

  • The ET Pathfinder, a test facility for the Einstein Telescope, will be housed in the university building at the Duboisdomein 30 (DUB30) in Maastricht.

  • In the province of Limburg, there is a substantial number of major international logistics companies as well as a large number of logistics SMEs and start-ups. This is especially the case in the Venlo region. The logistics sector in the province is therefore of great importance. To maintain a...

  • Waste from the food processing industry can be used to improve the gut flora of people with obesity, according to the findings of a study by Carlota Bussolo de Souza, who received her PhD on the topic at Maastricht University (UM) last Wednesday.