
  • Bas van Hooren conducted NUTRIM research on preventing injuries and on the future of personalized sports. He defended his PhD, June 17th.

  • Neuroscientist Dennis Hernaus investigates the reward system in our brain. How does this ‘brain network’ ensure that we become motivated? 

  • South Limburg with its ageing population faces considerable challenges when it comes to health and wellbeing. UM research and innovation is already making a real difference. Hilde Verbeek, chair of the Limburg Living Lab in Aging and Long-Term Care, on how to empower older persons and battle the...

  • How do people interact with each other on social media and other online platforms? How do they end up in conflict? And most importantly: how can we prevent these discussions from escalating? PhD candidate Maud Oostindie is researching these questions. On top of that, she is the new ‘Face of Science’...

  • For the series "The societal impact of UM research", Professor Christopher Brewster was interviewed by Observant's Dennis Vaendel. This edition is entitled "How UM computer scientists are developing software for farmers".

  • A bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Sciences gives you ample choice for where to apply your detailed knowledge of sickness and health. Whether you want to work in or outside of the lab. Lobke Meels is an inspiring example of pursuing a career outside of the lab. She combined her bachelor’s programme...

  • Aline Sierp received €50,000 in the NWO SSH XS funding scheme for the project ‘When the Past Determines the Future: The Role of Memory in Foreign Policy Decisions’. In the project, Aline will explore how political decisions are shaped by history.

  • We are proud to announce that the open executive programmes of Maastricht University School of Business and Economics (SBE) have been included in the global top 80 by the Financial Times in their Open-enrolment Executive Education Ranking 2024. 

  • Early career researchers from the University of Cyprus (UCY) are taking part in a training session at UNU-MERIT as part of the TWIN4MERIT project aimed at boosting research and innovation excellence.

  • Kira moved from Northern Germany to Maastricht for a Double Degree Programme between the University of Maastricht and Bremen. She combined her master’s 'Healthcare Provision, Management, and Economics’ with our international perspective on health in the master's ‘Governance and Leadership in...