Michael Wells-Greco (M.N.)

Dr Michael Wells-Greco (Assistant Professor) has been teaching in at the law faculty since 2013. His interests are in private international law, the protection of the child in international law, family law and European Union Law.


Michael holds undergraduate degrees in Law and Italian Law from University College London, before completing an LLM and a PhD in Law at Maastricht University. Michael is a partner of an international law firm and has practised for over 10 years as a solicitor before the English and Swiss courts. Michael is a consultant lawyer to the Hague Conference on Private International Law currently assisting with the Parentage/Surrogacy Project.


Michael has been consulted on public and private international law issues by government departments, legal practitioners and non-governmental organisations, and has also served as an expert on matters of English and European private international law and the conventions of the Hague Conference on Private International Law.


Selected publications

Dr Wells-Greco is co-author, with Prof. M. Horspool and Prof. M Humphreys, of textbook EU Law (OUP, 2016).  Michael's doctoral thesis, on The status of children arising from inter-country surrogacy arrangements was published in 2016 (Eleven International Publishing).