13 Mar
12:00 - 13:00

Online Q&A Regenerative Medicine and Technology

We are happy that you are interested in Regenerative Medicine and Technology. Choosing which university and bachelor's programme you want to attend is an important decision - one that shapes your future. We understand that. That is why we created this online Q&A session to provide you with the best possible support in making your decision.

The rapidly growing field of regenerative medicine is an upcoming field where science and technology meet to design and develop new medical therapies based on regeneration. It can help treat damaged tissue or attempt to heal certain chronic diseases and not merely treat its symptoms.

With a combination of science, engineering and medicine you can for example study how tissues and materials interact and how this can enhance the regeneration process.

If you're interested in regenerative medicine and have  questions about the bachelor's programme Regenerative Medicine and Technology, you can ask them during this online Q&A session.

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