Chris McCrum (C.)
Key publications
McCrum, C., Karamanidis, K., Willems, P., Zijlstra, W., & Meijer, K. (2018). Retention, savings and interlimb transfer of reactive gait adaptations in humans following unexpected perturbations. Communications Biology, 1(1), 1-10. Article 230.
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Gerards, M. H. G., McCrum, C., Mansfield, A., & Meijer, K. (2017). Perturbation-based balance training for falls reduction among older adults: Current evidence and implications for clinical practice. Geriatrics & Gerontology International, 17(12), 2294-2303.
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McCrum, C., Epro, G., Meijer, K., Zijlstra, W., Brueggemann, G.-P., & Karamanidis, K. (2016). Locomotor stability and adaptation during perturbed walking across the adult female lifespan. Journal of Biomechanics, 49(7), 1244-1247.
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McCrum, C., Leow, P., Epro, G., Konig, M., Meijer, K., & Karamanidis, K. (2018). Alterations in Leg Extensor Muscle-Tendon Unit Biomechanical Properties With Ageing and Mechanical Loading. Frontiers in physiology, 9(FEB), Article 150.
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McCrum, C., Gerards, M. H. G., Karamanidis, K., Zijlstra, W., & Meijer, K. (2017). A systematic review of gait perturbation paradigms for improving reactive stepping responses and falls risk among healthy older adults. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 14(1), Article 3.
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Epro, G., Mierau, A., McCrum, C., Leyendecker, M., Brueggemann, G.-P., & Karamanidis, K. (2018). Retention of gait stability improvements over 1.5 years in older adults: effects of perturbation exposure and triceps surae neuromuscular exercise. Journal of Neurophysiology, 119(6), 2229-2240.
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