Latest blog articles

  • The entire Faculty community helped to find names for our tutorial rooms. Naming them ensures we are better able to find them. It also makes clear it is the Law Faculty making use of our building.

  • Last week we welcomed a large number of first year students at our Faculty. At the beginning of this new academic year, we were also very happy to host our alumni at the annual alumni day.

    September is always an important month at University. Next to the official opening of the academic year (at...

  • “Bartleby,” said I, “Ginger Nut is away; just step round to the Post Office, won’t you? (it was but a three minute walk,) and see if there is anything for me.” “I would prefer not to.”
 “You will not?”
 “I prefer not.”

  • The EU´s budget is complicated. It is complex. And it is critically scrutinised by Member States. It has been the source of political debate and disagreement in the past decades and it still is today. Most recently, the issue was high on the agenda. In late 2014, the European Commission claimed supp...