Latest blog articles

  • The results of the election in the Netherlands is that the biggest party only has 33 seats out of 150. At least four parties are needed for a majority government. How will this lead to a new coalition? (in Dutch) by Peter Bootsma.

  • After months of news about asylum seekers dying in the Mediterranean Sea, weeks of steadily increasing influx of people from the eastern borders of the EU, and witnessing the temporary exit of Germany from the Schengen agreement last weekend, the Maastricht University Faculty of Law has announced...

  • This week, the book based on the conference on pluralism in European private law, organised by Leone Niglia of the University of Exeter, was published by Hart Publishing. 

  • The Symposium is organised by the ULEP research project and LeCTra Research School (the University of Lapland) in cooperation with M-EPLI (the University of Maastricht).