Past events

  • 23 May
    18:30 - 20:30

    Honours Programme Information Meeting

    Are you a talented first year bachelor's student? The Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences offers highly motivated and ambitious students the opportunity to participate in an extracurricular honours programme during the second and third year of the bachelor's programme. 

  • 12 May

    Faculty Fight 2016

    To celebrate the 40th anniversary of Maastricht University, UM SPORTS will be organising the Faculty Fight 2016 in collaboration with volunteers of all faculties, student sports associations and Sports Council MUSST. 

  • 19 Apr
    13:30 - 15:30

    FASoS master's lunch for current UM students

    Are you currently studying at UM? Are you interested in a challenging Master’s Programme at FASoS? Are you unsure about which Master’s to choose? Then come to our Master’s Lunch.

  • 15 Jan

    Dies Natalis

    De Diesviering stond dit jaar in het teken van het afscheid van André Postema. Na twee termijnen als vice-voorzitter van het College van Bestuur nam hij afscheid van de UM met een rede getiteld‘Maastricht University: a love story’. Ook Rector Magnificus Luc Soete sprak het publiek toe met de lezing ...

  • 09 Jan

    40 Anniversary of Maastricht University

    On Friday 16 January 2015 Maastricht University celebrated its 39th anniversary, or Dies Natalis. The theme of the Dies celebration was 'Engaging Talent'.