Past events

  • 18 Oct
    14:00 - 15:30

    A grant writing community campfire (online)

    Past, present and future grant writers at the Faculty of Law are invited to an informal meeting. This is the third of regular meetings to celebrate successes, share experiences, and look for collaborators.

  • 24 Mar
    10:00 - 14:00

    Final event project - Puur Natuur: 100% Biobased (BB100)

    The main goal of the BB100 project is the development of a process chain towards fully bio-based man-made fibre materials. During this final event, the results of the BB100 project will be shown, what challenges were encountered and what future steps should be taken.

  • 21 Jan
    10:00 - 14:00

    Data science and AI students present solutions to real-life challenges

    The Grand Finale is approaching as some 30 third-year students of the Data Science and Artificial Intelligence programme will give the final presentations of their semester projects.