Past events

  • 22 Dec

    On-site PhD conferral Anke I.A. Lemmens

    "Rethinking avoidance- New ways of investigating the development, maintenance, and generalization of fear and avoidance behaviors"

  • 21 Dec
    19:00 - 20:00

    Online Q&A | Master Psychology

    Do you have questions about the Master in Psychology and its specialisations? Ask them in this online Q&A session and receive answers from our student ambassadors. Feel free to ask all your questions related to programme content; what is it like to study in Maastricht, and general application...

  • 14 Dec
    19:00 - 20:00

    Online Q&A | Research Master in Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience

    Do you have questions about the Research Master in Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience and its specialisations? Ask them in this online Q&A session and receive answers from our student ambassadors. Feel free to ask all your questions related to programme content; what is it like to study in...

  • 13 Dec

    On-site PhD conferral Tuba Aktürk

    "Rhythms of cognition- Using transcranial alternating current stimulation to modulate neural oscillations with measurable impact on memory performances"

  • 13 Dec
    10:00 - 12:00

    FPN Experience Day | Online [FULL]

    An Experience Day allows you to experience what it is like to be a Psychology student. You will attend a lecture and participate in a tutorial group. Throughout the day you will be accompanied by advanced Psychology students who will be happy to answer all your questions about studying and student...

  • 15 Nov

    On-site PhD conferral Yi Wu

    "SAY NO TO THE KNIFE! An investigation of Chinese and Dutch women’s consideration of cosmetic surgery and how to intervene"

  • 15 Nov
    10:00 - 16:00

    [FULL] FPN Experience Day | On campus

    An Experience Day allows you to experience what it is like to be a Psychology student. You will attend a lecture and participate in a tutorial group. Throughout the day you will be accompanied by advanced Psychology students who will be happy to answer all your questions about studying and student...

  • 10 Nov

    On-site PhD conferral Frederick Vinckenbosch

    "From dusk ‘till yawn: The assessment of driving performance in clinical populations at risk of drowsy driving at the group and individual level"

  • 10 Nov

    On-site PhD conferral Frederick Vinckenbosch

    "From dusk till yawn: The assessment of driving performance in clinical populations at risk of drowsy driving at the group and individual level"

  • 07 Nov

    On-site PhD conferral Kristof Vandael

    "Don’t get boxed in Pathways to attenuate the spreading of pain-related avoidance behavior"