M. Zelm, F.W. Jaekel, G. Doumeingts, M. Wollschlaeger, Enterprise Interoperability: Smart Services and Business Impact of Enterprise Interoperability (Wiley-ISTE, 2018)
R. Sikorski, Patent Law Injunctions (Kluwer International, 2018)
Citizens can join an online crowdsourcing initiative of the MUSTS research group of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
During the EuroSim 2019 international interuniversity simulation of the European Union the FASoS student team brought one of the 5 awards home.
On 29 April, official candidates for the Presidency of the European Commission debated in Maastricht as part of the campaign for the European elections held later in May this year (23-26 May). This debate was broadcasted live across the European Union. The 90-minute event featured the front-runners to replace Jean-Claude Juncker as President of the European Commission.
A. Ramalho, A. Lopez-Tarruella, Implementation of the Directive 2011/77/EU: Copyright Term of Protection (Study requested by the JURI Committee, 2018)
Student Radio Maastricht (SRM) is a platform that facilitates students who want to produce audio podcasts. Soon, they will get their first hour of traditional airtime on RTV, Maastricht’s local radio station.
Christoph Rausch will present his paper "Better than Gold? Art in Storage Spaces of the 21st Century" in the lecture series of the Institute of Art History and Historical Urban Studies at TU Berlin.
On Friday 26 April Ernst Homburg will hold his valedictory lecture entitled: “Verhalen van de Oude Berg: wetenschap, techniek, industrie en politiek in de Euregio”.
Students for a good cause