
  • Sten van Beek

    Cold shivers?

    Due to the Western lifestyle with a high fat diet combined with little exercise, more and more people in the Netherlands are overweight or even obese. This causes an increased risk of type II diabetes. What can be done about this besides a healthier lifestyle? The answer comes from an unexpected...

  • Marlou-Floor Kenkhuis

    Quantity and Quality

    Survivors of colon cancer often have symptoms associated with the cancer or treatment for years after treatment, such as fatigue and tingling in fingers and feet. This has a great impact on the perceived quality of life. Whereas current lifestyle advice is mainly aimed at prevention of (colon)...

  • Astrid Meesters

    Gone with the wind

    Astrid Meesters received her doctorate on Sept. 28 with her PhD research on flexibility and mindfulness as resilience factors for pain and recovery. 

  • In his PhD research, Kristof Vandael investigated how this generalization of pain-related avoidance can be inhibited in the lab to help optimize therapy for chronic pain or even prevent the development of chronic pain.

  • Prof. Dr. Leentjens at Maastricht University has been researching the relationship between psychiatric and neurological symptoms for years in order to pay more attention to mental symptoms in treatment.

  • In honour of the presentation of the VNVA Els Borst Prize for her oeuvre, Prof Marlies Bongers is organising the symposium "menstruation in RED on the agenda" on 1 October.

  • In women trying to conceive, 1-3% experience repeated miscarriages. For more than 50% of these women, a cause for the miscarriages has yet to be found. New research from Maastricht University (UM) and the Maastricht University Medical Centre+ (MUMC+) shows that the immune system’s Natural Killer (NK...

  • The European Commission has awarded €23 million to set up a new platform for drug repurposing: the use of existing drugs in diseases other than those for which they were originally developed. In the next seven years UM will develop the platform REPO4EU (precision drug REPurpOsing for Europe)...

  • The ESG rating, the hallmark that indicates that companies are conducting business in a socially responsible way, often appears to be a promise that only exists on paper. While large investors, such as Dutch pension funds, actually use it to make responsible investments.

  • House prices in the Netherlands have doubled in ten years. Have bricks always become more expensive? Popular science magazine Quest dug into the matter and found insights with UM professor Piet Eichholtz.