
  • Eliza Steinbock, Associate Professor Gender and Diversity Studies at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, leads the NWO Smart Culture project “The Critical Visitor: Intersectional Approaches for Rethinking and Retooling Accessibility and Inclusivity in Heritage Spaces”.

  • Ann Meulders, associate professor of Experimental Health Psychology, is working on a Vidi project focusing on pain avoidance, a proven predictor of chronic pain. As her PhD candidate Eveliina Glogan demonstrates in her dissertation, an important mechanism behind the generalisation of pain avoidance...

  • UCMSA Universalis is the Study Association of University College Maastricht. All UCM students are automatically members of Universalis upon their entry into UCM and they are encouraged to engage in the social and academic life of the UCM community.

  • A wide ranging group from vegants to carnivores spend a sprint break visiting a farm.